TF2: Basic Admin Tool in progress..
Our good friend EKS is currently working on a new release of his BAT (Basic Admin Tool) plugin for MetaMod: Source 1.6 that will work with the new Orange box Source engine used in Team Fortress 2.
- Admin commands via Client Console
- Admin commands via Server Console
- Admin commands via Chat Console
- Admin menu
- Admin chat
- Admin login via Steamid / IP
- Admin login via MySQL (Supporting both: amxbans,sourcebans & its own webinterface)
- Autorespond to public chat messages ( timeleft and nextmap )
- Votekick / voteban and from chat
- Mapvoting system ( Either via menu or chat )
- Add maps that are outside mapcycle to Admin menu
- Add maps that are outside mapcycle to vote menu
- Rockthevote system
- Reserved slots system
- Autoexec map config files ( like cfg/mapconfig/de_dust2.cfg )
- Automatic STEAM_ID_PENDING kicker
- Interface that allows other plugins to easy get admin information
The cool part is that the plugin will also be able to work with Sourcebans, our own written Server/Ban administration tool.