The new battles begin on the Finalbattleground

Remember Finalbattleground? Remember to earn PLINKS while playing Counter-Strike: Source which can then later be used to buy troops on the battleground? Well, on Thursday 31st of Dec 2009 at 13:00 GMT, an entire world map of thousands of territories will be available to over 2940 registered clans.

If you’re not already aware, these new battles are very different to the old battle framework. The entire interface has been rewritten and designed using Silverlight – it is quite simply one of the most stunning web applications you are likely to see anywhere on the net.

Even more importantly, the game-play has also been completely revised. While the contribution of your entire clan remains an important element, territorial ownership is ultimately determined by Counter-Strike matches. Nothing like this has ever been available, combining the efforts of casual public gamers and hardened clan players, Final Battleground is nothing short of a revolution in online gaming.

Going forward, we are on schedule to finally exit our beta status in Q1 2010 and go live for once and for all. Over the coming months, the number of visitors to the Final Battleground will increase considerably as we begin to inform the gaming community sites and magazines worldwide.

We are pleased to share this exciting and historic occasion with you and as always, we look forward to receiving your thoughts and feedback.